Monday 14 September 2009

Show Us Your Pecs

One for the ladies today....unless you are Katie Price.

As I settled down on Sunday evening for some serious post-walk rest and recuperation the phone rang – it was Geoff Robinson with news that two Pectoral Sandpipers were at Inner Marsh Farm.

These American waders have eluded me so far – the last one being a Knot at Leighton Moss – so it was straight to the bat mobile. Although a relatively uncommon bird, it is no surprise that a decent wader has rocked-up at IMF – the water levels are really low at the moment leaving plenty of exposed mud. Prime shorebird real estate.

The news must have spread quickly as the car park was rammed. Fortunately many people were leaving when I arrived, so there was a little bit of space in the hide when I eventually got there.

The birds were feeding on the largest islet of mud and despite having only seen them on paper they are really very distinctive – particularly the long primary projection. Unfortunately, after no more than fifteen minutes the waders tagged-on to a flock of Lapwing heading out on to the marsh. Gone.

Other birds on the manor included circa half a dozen Ruff and a Greenshank. Snoozing on the back of number one pool was a drake Pochard – a rare bird here and possibly another reserve first!

If the water levels stay at this level then I would bet against something really good turning up this month. Little Stint must surely be next on the roster, what chance of a Temmincks?

Until later.

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