Golden Plovers are one of my favourite birds; unlike many waders they refuse to turn a dour grey colour in the winter and look magnificent on a crisp, sunny morning.
They also have a lovely, distinctive call, that is best heard at sunrise on the welsh uplands in spring – should you be lucky enough to find one!
I was down here ostensibly to find the Water Pipit that had been reported a few days ago, but Frodsham Marshes is a big area and as there were no details in the logbook - I was more likely to have bumped into Lord Lucan and Osama bin Laden pitching a tent.
There seems to have been a mini-invasion of these elusive critters over the last few days, let’s hope one sets up camp locally so I get an opportunity to remember what they look like!
Plenty of other birds around, including large numbers of Linnets, Goldfinches, Pied Wagtails and about twenty drake Pochards on the flooded section of the tank.
Not much else to report except that there appears to have been a plague of fly-tipping – is this one of those pathway activities that leads to harder pastimes like cow-tipping?
Until later.
HI PAUL, PLEASE GIVE ME A TXT IF YOU SPOT WATER PIPIT, HAVE NOT TICKED IT YET! E-MAIL ME AT zipfleming@btinternet.com and i will send phone number, thanks.
Hi Ian,
I'll drop you an e-mail later. I've not seen a Water Pipit for 4 years now, so I'm keen to find it too. Unfortunately, I'm too mean to get the full birdguides subscription, so I don't have any details!
Regarding water pipit at frodsham..
Hi Paul,
I may be birding at Frodsham on Monday,the plan is Llanfairfechan if it's dry,calm and sunny,or Frodsham if it's otherwise,if I see the Water Pipit at Frodsham I will let you know via your Blog.
Regarding the number of Great Tits I totally agree,I've recorded more of them on all my regular sites recently than for many a year.
Coincidentally I was birding at The Gowy Meadows yesterday and enjoyed the site,with a Green Sandpiper on the edge of the pond a nice surprise.
Gowy Meadows 12 11 09 10.45 am-12.45pm
Blue Tit 3
Pied Wagtail 3
Common Buzzard 3
Wren 2
Herring Gull
Wood Pigeon c50
Lesser Black Backed Gull
Carrion Crow
Chaffinch 2
Magpie 2
Jackdaw c10
Blackbird c10
Great Black Backed Gull
Green Sandpiper
Grey Wagtail
Meadow Pipit 3
Kestrel 2
Reed Bunting 3
Great Tit c10
Moorhen 2
Song Thrush
Redwing 5
Goldfinch 7
Little Grebe
Cheers Denzil
Hi Denzil, thanks for the post.
It's quite an interesting reserve the Gowy Meadows - good for Green Sandpiper in the winter and also Jack Snipe too. Whinchat is also very common in autumn as is Wheatear.
Where was the Yellowhammer by the way? - never seen one down there!
Doesn't seem to quite punch its weight though. For example the habitat seems good for Short-eared Owl, Harriers and perhaps a Merlin, but I've never seen any of them. Also, Yellow Wagtails - seems a prime spot, but again never seen one.
It would be great if you could drop me the details of anything you see at Frodsham. Myself and a few other from the Wirral get down there from time-to-time and it would be good to know what's about.
By the way, I've seen the weather forecast for monday - I think you'll be going to Frodsham!!
Cheers, Paul.
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