Saturday 27 June 2009

It's All Mandarin to Me

A walk around Farndon this morning in the mizzle produced some interesting birds.

Gunshot from a nearby farm flushed a Cuckoo that I picked up flying over a wheat field. It attempted to settle in a dead tree, but a Magpie soon mobbed the bird and off it moved.

On another dead tree a new family of Kestrels roosted and all looked rather damp and fed-up.

When I reached the River Dee at the end of Townfield Lane, I searched a little while for any sign of Kingfishers having seen them here a few times before. It is easy to see why they like this section of water; plenty of overhanging willows and other protruding tree branches to hunt from.

No Kingfishers today, but skulking under some vegetation was another family – of Mandarin Ducks! Apart from a lone eclipse male at Inner Marsh Farm a couple of years ago, these are the only birds I have seen in Cheshire. Apparently they are spreading with this introduced species having taken to Britain like, well, a duck to water. Sorry.

Until later.

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