Friday 18 December 2009

Fur Scarf Anybody?

With England batting like lemons I decided to head to Moore NR for a poke around Birchwood Pool and the eastern reedbed.

The Glaucous Gull was playing easy to get, prancing around the small island in front of the main hide. Looks like a first winter bird to me, although not being well-versed in the scary and cultish activity of gull watching, my knowledge is somewhat rudimentary.

Within a couple of minutes a mangy Fox rocked-up and virtually cleared the pool save a handful of Little Grebes and a few wildfowl, so I decided to walk over to the Bittern enclosure that is the eastern reedbed.

Normally a home banker, there have been scant – if any – good sightings of this elusive little critter so far this winter and this seems indicative of a wider funk the North West seems to be going through on the birding front currently – let’s hope this cold-snap shakes things up a little!

Predictably there was no sign of any Bitterns today, so I had to entertain myself by watching a male Sparrowhawk trying to cunningly inch itself along a branch in order to get within striking distance of a Jay – unsuccessfully.

Before leaving I had a final scan of the reed stems only to reveal the rather unwelcome sight of a mink strolling across the ice. In the increasing cold, I could not help thinking the best solution all round would be for it to be hanging round my neck…

Until later.


Denzil said...

If you haven't already,it might be an idea to let them know at Moore NR about the Mink,they've been asking people for sightings for a while now,because I think they're woried about the impact on the wildlife.
Cheers Denzil

Paul Shenton said...

Hi Denzil, I hadn't thought to actually - good point.

I remember the warden putting traps down in the same area last year with some success...

Cheers, Paul.

Denzil said...

Hi Paul,
I do the (WeBS)survey at Moore NR every month,although I'm missing tomorrows due to work commitments,otherwise I would have been able to give you the contact details that are displayed in the Hide at the Eastern Reed Bed.
Cheers Denzil