Saturday 23 May 2009

Holt, Who Goes There?

I've had my eye on a square near the River Dee at Farndon and Holt: SJ4055. Recent reports of Whinchat and Spotted Flycatcher from Townfield Lane have moistened the taste buds somewhat, so after being discharged from lawn mowing duties I set off to investigate.

After struggling to find a parking space I opt to reverse into a spot at the entrance to a farm gate, risking the wrath of the local agrarian despot.

The square is largely fields planted with crops, although a couple are grazed by cattle and there is also a large paddock full of horses.

I begin by heading west along Townfield Lane, an unadopted metalled track flanked by excellent mature hedgerows. There is plenty of Chaffinch singing, the odd Chiffchaff, but little else.

Reaching the River Dee I enter a plantation area. Generally poor for birds I concentrate instead on the willows overhanging the water, but the wished for Kingfisher is nowhere to be seen. The opposite side of the bank is lined with mobile homes, the majority sporting the predictable over-ornamented gardens.

Still in the plantation area, I veer east along another footpath called Knowl Lane. The trees become a little more varied here and there are several Orange-tipped Butterflies flitting in the spring sunshine. Emerging from the coppice, the track squeezes in between two hawthorn hedges that cut through more arable land. Perfect territory for a Yellowhammer, but none are seen or heard.

The next stretch - heading south - is a walk of 2 kilometres through more crops and copses. I dare to dream of seeing a Turtle Dove - the habitat is ideal, surely they must have bred here in the past?

I am soon back at my car and thankfully there is no irate farmer waiting to berate me for blocking the entrance to his field. As I am about to turn the ignition key, two birds drop down atop of the hedge in front of me. Two Tree Sparrows - excellent! These are the first birds I have seen near Chester and the first individuals I have encountered not on a nature reserve.

Still, a fairly poor return really, but definitely merits another visit.

Until later.

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